The current batch is closed, stay tuned for the next one...​

Get access to top international students for a project now!

What is START Academy?

The START Academy is a program that connects international students and companies within the European Startup system for a project-based internship. It is flexible, goal-oriented and simple.

Startups, VC's or CB's

It's about variety. Welcomed are all kind of Startups, Venture Capital, Accelerators, Incubators, Family Offices etc.

Be flexible...

... about the expected working hours. We encourage our students to spare at least 15h/week, but full-time is not the focus.


Reduce time of induction; increase motivation by defining concrete projects upfront to apply for. More infos below.


Increase your awareness by becoming creative. More infos below.

Checking something off your list

Why participate?

This Organisation has been encouraging students for a startup career for almost two decades now. Help us with our vision of becoming the biggest student-run agency for internships in the European Startup Scene, and we help you with: 

Note: You have to register on our platform to participate.

Backing up new talents

Project-based Internships?

Students apply to projects, not positions.

Every Company usually has dozens of initiatives aligned, but not enough time to elaborate on them. This is the time to scratch off some points of that list. Instead of offering typical positions, you’ll have to define real projects, like market research, social media coverage, developing new features 

This way we want to reduce time wasted and ensure, that our Interns contribute meaningfully. 


  1. Find a nice name (like “Ninja Report” from HIMYM)
  2. Select who you are looking for (Dev, Business, Designer)
  3. Add descriptions
  4. Add expected time expenditure (least amount of hours/week your intern should be able to spare)
  5. Define if single or group project 

HINT: Include “WHY” in your projects for students to motivate!

IMPORTANT: The projects, as well as the Creative will only be viewable to our registered students.

What's the Creative?

Its your turn to be creative!

The Creative’s goal is to get the students‘ attention. Clicking on it, we’ll redirect them to your own landing page within the START Academy portal with more details and, of course, the projects descriptions.


    • Your company’s name, logo, colors, product
    • Impression of what you do
    • Who you are looking for 
    • Image format: 300×240 (wide x heigth)

HINT: Only one Creative for each Company! 

IMPORTANT: The Creative, as well as the projects will only be viewable to our registered students, and only registered students.

Our process:

Find details below. 

1. Apply

Fill out the form, submit your projects and create your Creative. We'll approve shortly after and will get in touch with you.
PS: To apply you don't need to have the Projects and Creative now. You can send them to us later.

2. Matching

We will filter and interview (based on know-how & language skills) all the students who applied for your projects. If we think the student is suitable we will forward them to you.

3. Intern

Now, you will meet your talents. You will get the opportunity to also interview them and then decide whether they are a fit for you and your company.


Finally! You found your talent and now it's time to start. We advice you to stay close until they learn to fly!

START Network

What is START?

START Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V. is a student association at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and the Georg Simon Ohm University of Technology, which deals with all topics related to entrepreneurship and technological innovation. START has set itself the task of introducing students to the topic of entrepreneurship and giving them the opportunity to network and get to know the European startup scene. Our initiative is not only known at the Nuremberg universities, but also benefits from the international network of START Global with over nine European locations at leading universities – the head office is at the renowned University of St. Gallen.


One-time Payment (a contract will be closed up) (START Erlangen-Nuremberg e.V is a non-profit organisation. Any support will be reinvested for upcoming generations) 


75€/for 90 days

A starter plan for trying out Academy



100€/for 90 days

An advanced plan with additional marketing


125€/for 90 days

The pro plan with complete service

*Our Design Team will design the “Creative” for your company with x feedback loops.

**Our Team will directly target and notify students if their profile fits the job description.


Any Questions left?

Please don’t hesitate and contact us via mail:

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